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How Keyword Research Works

1 Submit Your Selected Topics to Us

To begin, just share your preferred keyword topics, domain name, target country, and any keywords or phrases to exclude. We'll conduct research on these terms and relevant related ones.

2 We'll Focus on Relevant Data

We'll provide reports on average search volumes, keyword difficulty, Google Ads Cost Per Click (CPC), available SERP features, search intent, and your current Google ranking.

3 Access Your Keyword Research Report

We'll compile the data into a practical report to assist you in prioritizing which terms to concentrate on for swift results. Once finalized, simply access your dashboard to download the report at your convenience.

Keyword Research Benefits

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Enhanced Visibility

Keyword research helps identify relevant terms that can improve your website's search engine visibility, attracting more organic traffic.

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Targeted Marketing

By understanding popular search terms in your industry, you can tailor your content and marketing efforts to better reach your target audience.

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Competitive Edge

Analyzing keywords also reveals what your competitors are ranking for, enabling you to refine your strategy and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

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Improved ROI

By focusing on the most valuable keywords with high search volume and low competition, you can optimize your marketing budget and achieve better returns on your investment.

Pricing & Packages



  • Bespoke research
  • Up To 5 Topics
  • Up to 5000 Keywords
  • Up to 1000 keywords per topic
  • Search Intent
  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Search Volume
  • Adwords CPC
  • SERP Features
  • Your Rank in Google
  • Complete reports including recommended actions
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  • Bespoke research
  • Up To 8 Topics
  • Up to 5000 Keywords
  • Up to 1000 keywords per topic
  • Search Intent
  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Search Volume
  • Adwords CPC
  • SERP Features
  • Your Rank in Google
  • Complete reports including recommended actions
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  • Bespoke research
  • Up To 10 Topics
  • Up to 5000 Keywords
  • Up to 1000 keywords per topic
  • Search Intent
  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Search Volume
  • Adwords CPC
  • SERP Features
  • Your Rank in Google
  • Complete reports including recommended actions
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Got questions? We’ve got answers

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing the words and phrases that people use when searching for information, products, or services on search engines like Google. It involves understanding user intent and behavior to select the most relevant and valuable keywords for targeting in SEO and PPC campaigns.

Keyword research is important because it helps businesses understand their target audience and the language they use when searching online. By identifying high-volume, relevant keywords, businesses can optimize their website content, improve search engine rankings, drive organic traffic, and attract qualified leads.

The key steps in keyword research include brainstorming relevant topics and themes, conducting keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs, analyzing keyword metrics such as search volume and competition, identifying long-tail keywords and semantic variations, and prioritizing keywords based on relevance and search intent.

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keyword phrases that typically have lower search volume but higher intent. They often reflect a user's specific query or need and are less competitive than broad keywords. Long-tail keywords are valuable for targeting niche audiences and capturing highly qualified traffic.

Keyword competition can be determined by analyzing metrics such as keyword difficulty, search volume, and the number of competing pages in search engine results. Tools like SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs provide keyword difficulty scores and insights into competitor websites ranking for specific keywords.

Search volume indicates how often a keyword is searched for on search engines within a specific time frame (e.g., monthly). Higher search volume keywords generally have more potential traffic but may also face greater competition. Lower search volume keywords may be less competitive but may also attract fewer visitors.

Keyword research can inform content strategy by identifying topics and keywords that are relevant to the target audience. By creating content optimized around these keywords, businesses can attract organic traffic from search engines, address user queries, and establish authority in their industry.

Some common keyword research tools include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Keyword Explorer, KeywordTool.io, Ubersuggest, and AnswerThePublic. These tools provide insights into keyword search volume, competition, trends, and related keywords to inform your keyword research strategy.

Keyword research should be performed regularly to stay abreast of changes in search trends, user behavior, and industry dynamics. It's recommended to conduct keyword research periodically, such as quarterly or biannually, to identify new opportunities and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly.

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