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How Our Blog Content Plan Works

1 Submission of Website or Topics

Provide your website or overarching topics for your blog. We'll tailor our research accordingly, ensuring a focused approach for optimal results. Simple and specific seed topics yield the best outcomes.

2 Research & Analysis Phase

We conduct comprehensive research and competitor analysis to extract relevant keywords. These are then organized into clusters, forming suitable blog topics with associated search volumes. We craft titles, briefs, suggested word counts, and categories for each topic, even analyzing SERPs for ranking potential.

3 Handover to Writing Team

Once you receive your content plan and topical map, you may refine topics or seek client approval. However, it's primed for your writing team to commence content creation. This brings you closer to finalizing your content marketing strategy, enhancing topical authority, and driving traffic velocity.

Blog Content Plan Benefits

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White Label Assurance

Enjoy complete white label support, enabling seamless passing of blog content plans to your clients without any branding concerns.

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Comprehensive Research

Benefit from exhaustive keyword research and competitor analysis, ensuring thorough exploration and identification of key opportunities.

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Effective Clustering

We strategically cluster similar keywords, ensuring comprehensive coverage and semantic coherence within each content brief.

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Detailed Content Briefs

Receive detailed content briefs, including suggested titles, word counts, and article structures, streamlining the content creation process for your team.

Pricing & Packages



  • Up to 50 Topics
  • SEO Optimized Titles
  • SERP Difficulty
  • Semantic Secondary Keywords
  • Content Brief & Structure
  • Ready-To-Write Plan
  • Suggested Word Count
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  • Up to 100 Topics
  • SEO Optimized Titles
  • SERP Difficulty
  • Semantic Secondary Keywords
  • Content Brief & Structure
  • Ready-To-Write Plan
  • Suggested Word Count
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Got questions? We’ve got answers

A Blog Content Plan Service is a professional service offered to individuals or businesses to help plan, strategize, and create content for their blog. It typically involves identifying target audiences, defining content goals, brainstorming topics, scheduling posts, and developing an editorial calendar.

A Blog Content Plan is essential for maintaining consistency, relevance, and quality in blog content. It helps businesses attract and engage their target audience, improve search engine visibility, establish thought leadership, and achieve marketing objectives.

A Blog Content Plan Service may include various components such as content strategy development, audience research, topic ideation, keyword research, editorial calendar creation, content scheduling, and performance tracking and analysis.

A Blog Content Plan Service benefits businesses by providing a strategic approach to content creation that aligns with their marketing goals and target audience preferences. It helps businesses save time and resources, increase brand visibility, drive website traffic, and generate leads or conversions.

Target audience determination in a Blog Content Plan Service involves conducting audience research to identify demographics, interests, pain points, and preferences of the target audience. This information is used to tailor content topics, formats, and messaging to resonate with the intended audience.

Keyword research is an integral part of a Blog Content Plan as it helps identify relevant topics and optimize content for search engines. It involves identifying high-volume and low-competition keywords that align with the target audience's search queries and content goals.

An editorial calendar serves as a roadmap for content creation and publication. It helps maintain consistency, organize content ideas, schedule posts in advance, ensure coverage of relevant topics, and coordinate content production efforts among team members.

A Blog Content Plan should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure its alignment with changing business goals, audience preferences, industry trends, and search engine algorithms. Depending on the pace of content production and market dynamics, this may range from monthly to quarterly reviews.

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